Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I have newfound empathy for babies with ear infections

Man oh man! Last week I spent a few days home with Matthew and/or Nathan as they contended with the usual first bout of exotic germs brought together by the first days of class. By Friday I had a bit of a sniffle (possibly allergy, who knows for sure) and by Friday I had minor ear infections in each ear.

So, I did what you are supposed to do, soldier on with Tylenol and such and wait for it to go away. The right ear seemed to be clear by Monday, but the left ear kept getting worse and worse. By Tuesday evening it felt like someone had taken a syringe and shot a tablespoon of peanut butter behind my left eardrum. This is the point at which you become acutely aware that most of the ear is safely encased inside your skull, otherwise you would gladly rip it out (you have another one, right?).

When I got home Tues night I took my temp and it was 101.8. Yuck! Today I saw a PRN and she told me that my right ear still had fluid and that my left eardrum was nigh unto bursting. I got some antibiotics and am praying that they will kick in soon. So, now as I was getting ready for bed I took 3 large Depakote tablets, 2 Tylenol, 1 Lamictal, and 1 Amoxicilin. Don't think I will need to be getting up for a midnight snack.

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