Saturday, August 30, 2008

Anatomy Of A Depression

Sadly enough, it began with hope. That is usually the case, actually. In the past I had thought about looking into truck driving as a living, and the thought struck me again as I drove my mother to the airport the other day. So, I began to investigate.

The work would not be the easiest: eleven hour driving days; spending 3 to 5 weeks at a time away from home, and so forth. That didn’t really matter, though. It would mean making enough money for myself and for me to take care of my children, at least to an extent. The worst part of the whole journey for me has been that I cannot provide. I am a drain, not a provider. I see my wife struggling to support the children and their household on one income, and I feel the pain.

Now I had hope once again that I could overcome this situation.

I looked into the matter further – there are trucking companies that will train you from scratch in return for a one-year commitment. Sounded good. The pay wasn’t the greatest in the world, but it would be enough for my needs.

And then I investigated the requirements for a Commercial Driver’s License. All sorts of medical conditions can be waived: poor eyesight, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes… But what condition cannot be waived? You guessed it – any psychological disorder, even if controlled or managed with medications.

I had been doing well. Not the greatest, necessarily, but I had been doing well (which is probably why I have not been writing on this blog – heh). Getting up in the morning. Exercising some. Generally “taking care of business” in small ways. Then this hits. The weight of the “Scarlet B” stitched on my shirt drug me down once again. What was worse was that I saw it coming. I said to myself, “Here comes the depression that follows disappointment.” Sure enough, like the tide rolling into a narrow bay, here came the immense wave of despair.

I was supposed to have my sons this weekend, but I just had to pass. They deserve more than a father who does little but lay in bed all day. I came home at about 5:30 after learning about the license and was in bed by 6:00. I slept through the night. Today I have intermittently lain in bed or listlessly played minesweeper. I did force myself to take a shower at about 4:00, which is more than I usually manage. I also made myself eat a couple of bowls of cereal this morning and a few ounces of cheese a little bit ago. It’s not that I am not hungry – it’s just that the effort hardly seems worth it.

It is Labor Day weekend, so everyone else is involved in family events. I have nowhere to go really, and nothing to do if I go there. So, I just stay here. Yes, I know that I am not supposed to just stay in my apartment, but there really are no practical options.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whenever you have the chance, just take a break from your work. Meditate. Listen to uplifting music. Do whatever just to keep you stable. I can tell that you love your family, and I know that they appreciate that you're working hard for them, too.

When you have that chance, say a prayer and listen to some mellow music. This is what we do in our Thetahealing sessions. Pray for the things you want in life, and let go of all the emotions for a moment. I can tell you that it works. I've been attending Theta healing myself. Before, I was always worried about this and that. Today, those are things in the past. Just pray, and stay strong.